Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dirty Words

I read one of my favoritest bloggers (The Mad Woman from Diary of a Mad Woman) lament that some people don't like her dirty mouth. They think it's bad for her kids. Will sully their pristine minds. Makes her seem less classy.
Got me thinking.....
I remember my soul-friend once telling me that she knew she had sunk to a new low when her then 3 year old daughter asked her, in the sweetest of voices, to please read her this fucking book. (I miss you so, my soul-friend!)
My own HM was complaining about her older brother a few years ago (so she must've been 2) and yelled "He's so fuckannoying". One word. It's become my most favorite adjective.

My kids grow up in a house where real parents have real frustration and use real good, colorful words. They know them all. I admittedly have a wretched potty mouth. I've never been called "classy". Not even once.

However, both my kids have never used those words since the fuckannoying debacle. In fact, the eldest gives me a look when he hears curse words. It's a widening of the eyes, "did-you-also-hear-that", knowing look of disapproval. He has never once swore. When a friend of his dropped the F bomb in my van a few weeks ago and I nearly drove into a tree in a fit of laughter, he was appalled.

So who knows- maybe if you drop F bombs often in your home- your kids will be more sensitive to it?

Either way, who the fuck gives a shit?

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